As an owner of multiple properties, I have depended on Zygmunt Painting for 35 years.
The highest quality work
and guaranteed satisfaction have always been their trademarks. You know that you will always receive fair prices and that all work will be
All my needs-repairing extensive
water damage, replacing paneling and linoleum, painting, plastering, wallpapering, sealing concrete-were handled with the highest level of
Jeff Tishler
West Hartford, CT
We have worked with Zygmunt Painting for over 15 years. We have found their work to be outstanding in all areas of this field with ceiling repair and spray texture a specialty. They also get high marks for completing their work on time, and their pricing is very competitive. We would recommend them without question.
Fire-Tech, Inc.
East Hartford, CT
Zygmunt Painting rates very high on our list of contractors. The crew arrives when scheduled, and they become commited to their work with the least bit of inconvenience to our home life. Their workmanship is meticulous, and they completely clean everything up before leaving. We are extremely pleased with every project that they have done for us.
Jim and Joyce Procaccini